Holy Week 2020

It matters not if you are Judeo-Christian, or Afrikaans;  this week marks a special time in our lives when we look to the east to begin anew.  If you are experiencing burnout from the worlds problems right now, well it's time to kick it up and Fan the Flames.  

Back home in Montana we used to say, 'It may be Friday...but Sunday's coming....'

I get to go up to Santa fe and visit my shrink this week.  Paolo Guidici and I have seen each other for 7 years now.  Talk about a 7 year itch...I cant wait to tell him all the cool stuff that's been going on.  There are times when we trade each other the clipboard and pen for the couch but it's just when the laughter becomes...well...'maniacal' for lack of a better term.  Boy do we have fun.  So all those fuktard medical professionals that try to convince a court judge that I need an Honor guardian...go fuk yourselves cuz me and Paolo are like that close (my middle finger wraps my index finger...you get the gesture).

I'm hoping to get my Pyrenees back!  He was wrongfully adopted out when I was wrongfully arrested by Tracey Evridge on January 28th 2017.  Google his name everyone and see what a black eye he gives law enforcement.  I'm suing him, his cop-brother for covering up for him along with Judge Donita Sena for not recusing herself, SFPD in their covering up this matter as well as the city of Santa Fe for 17 million dollars and I'm not gonna settle out of court either.  And I'm representing myself.  The settlement money? Its gonna go to Pete's place,  the homeless shelter in Santa Fe.  Oh I'm keeping 5%...$850k buys a lot of ski passes for me and my law enforcement buddies next winter.  

Cha ching.

So fuel the fire that keeps on burning, boys and girls.

Watch Jesus Christ Superstar this week.  The year 2000 version is the best.  I played the original score in high school band and also played the governor to Pontious Pilate in the production.  I've even written a prequel to JC:S, simply called Jasmine Chrysalis: Superdiva.  Yup.  I flipped to genders.

Jasmine is born  crack baby and her momma was heading to planned parenthood when the Corona Virus prevented her from the abortion.  Desperately,  she prays...when the news of a baby that lives in Belen (bethlehem) is to be born 2 months early and hooked on crack...in comes Marty and Josephine...Marty McClellend is a cop. Josephine is his transgender wife. They agree to take the child, who nurses say they've never seen a smile like that.

Will you take her in would you turn your back...? Oh what if Jesus came back like that?  What if Jesus comes back like you? Like me? Full of vinegar...racing with pee? Would you lend a hand jesus, get the kitten from the tree?  Will you make us whole will you set us free?  Oh my God...its Jesus...and he's really a she!

Fan day flames everyone! Man the torpedoes! Jesus ain't coming...he's already here!...and he's S.H.I.T.....cuz Friday dont look too good...(shit equals sure happy its Thursday.)

That was just 15 minutes of the production.  The idea and the full score sits in my head still.  Where am I gonna get the money for this? Right to Life will gladly sponsor me.

This musical could very well overturn Roe vs: Wade.  Because of my faith in God.  Fuel the fires!  


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