
Will fr: Chad

Dear Will;         07 Oct, 2024 That what follows this sentance can be discussed and given further though, I am amenible to. That I retain my true nordic sense of adventure is hard for me to disguise.  I come from a long list of travelers and that one must do so out of necessity and not higher ground is tough. That at 18 months short of my eligibility for social security,I am denied approval on my claim because I appear a specimin of good health, when in actuality, is the problem I face as a person with mental challenges.   Any healthcare professikonal will tell you the same thing as the last one did:  there is nothing so wrong and misalighned with Mr. Rugroden that he should enjoy the benefits of retirememnt.  That the 

For your eyes only Detective Mauldin and Gibson

Funny..when I met Greg I thought of Karl Malden, and Mike, I thought of Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon. I'm the crazy one, right? Or am I just an incredible actor in full control of my mind and body?  "And the winner of this year's biggest publicity stunt awarded $33m by the MSU Board of Regents goes to....(your favorite Viking inserts here) If you look at the surveillance video while I was incarcerated, you will see that I shit myself in my sleep.  It's because I was scared shitless.  After I left the jail my bowels were just fine.  I was actually doing a two-day fast and colon cleanse.   I took a two year course in San Diego for HIV positive men called the L.I.F.E. Program.  Learned Immune Function Enhancement.  There are 19 cofactors that contribute to the progression of HIV to Aids. The #1 is hydration.  One should be drinking an ounces of water for every pound you weigh daily.  So, Detective Greg, that means you should be drinking 365 ounces and Detective Mike you sh

a call for artists and would-be artists..

Good morning APD and Bozeman PD Being a former volunteer for Santa fe County fire/ems I can tell you that only a career firefighter has too much time on his hands to drink milk like that. Being a rather gifted homosexual myself, I just put my hands behind my back and take the whole rim like I did in my beer drinking days at montana State University in Bozeman.   I held 2 titles in the winter quarter of 1983: Intermural class b racquetball and beer guzzling champion of a drinking fraternity called 'Le Buffons'...the clowns in French. We met every Thursday afternoon in a basement bar called The Zoo and no women were allowed  32 ounces in 2.3 seconds and nary did i spill a drop.  Who knew that that open-throated discipline would raise my grade from a b to an a in 3rd quarter physics 12 weeks later.  News traveled fast, and before long I had a handful of sorority sisters just begging for lessons. My theory has long been proven;  straight women ra

well its been a while...

Dear APD and friends; You know why we have snow on the ground already...its you twits that decorate for Christmas early now stop it. Actually I'm looking forward to the winter.  A native of Minnesota  and a major ski bum...I have worked as a ski instructor and ski patrol from Alyeska resort to Bridger Bowl Montana, to Ski Santa Fe and many points between. My parents both skiied as children in Northern Minnesota.  Im getting married in Santa Fe on election day!  I met Joe at a bus stop last spring and he was homeless and I took him in.  I never thought I would have a partner. I haven't had a relationship for 16 years and its comforting to know that someone has my back.   Other than that I have no real news except that my new job at rocky mountain ems is a challenge and stressful

Ole and Lena

So Ole and Lena were in the back of the brown Packard convertible and things were getting pretty hot and heavy... Lena, couldn't stand it any longer and she cries out, "Oh Ole', I love you!  Now touch me where it smells bad!" So he drove her to Hobbs. Badda Bing, badda boom ..


The probability that we may fail ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just...A. Lincoln Well I'm on my way to church as I type this in.  I wanted to tell everyone how Officer V. Baca with the Southeast subdivision was making fun of my beer gut.  Like she has room to talk.  Her ass is as wide as two axe handles and rather dull.  I'd hate to be her girlfriend when she gets home in the morning.  VB: ewe.  What's that smell? Mrs. VB:. Do you like it?  It's special soap I made.  It's got lye, fetid cod liver oil, patchouli thorns, and horny goat bung extract.  Topped with a drop of beaver semen that cost you the next paycheck.  Now put some on after you scrub that cousche.  Icky sticky. VB: Beaver semen.  I want nothing to do with testosterone when I get home.  Now go put on some lipstick and flannel and let mommy go to town on your gash. Mrs V.B.: not today.  Or the next 5 days.  You can tell by the stink my pussy's not pink. VB: swell.

and finally

Today's eye opener and this this one first Open links from the bottom up..kinda like me